Tuesday, June 27, 2006

annoying but entertaining?

My body clock's gone berserk. I was asleep the whole day yesterday and woke up around 8pm just in time for the 'teleseryes'. I love switching form one channel to the other (gma &abs) because its freaking funny how both networks try to provide 'entertaining' programs and shows just to get the majority of viewers' attention but they end up with this really sheesy and annoyingly shows that plots are recycled over and over again. Its hilarious. But, the moment i get disturbly entertained (like i luv NY and whats that other show...) i switch to MTV (stud23, untv, abs, &abc5 are the only channels my antenna can handle) and sing my heart out even if its raining hard outside and the howling of dogs are dueting with me. I dont care. I can sing but not in the right tone.

After the tidious four-teleserye-per-night-before-the-programs, the weekly shows come in. They again bore me so i switch from one channel to another (mind me, we only have four available so its not that exciting). After an hour or two of that, i end up watching the news for the day. News are always the same. Killings there, rape here, leftists and anti-government desperately trying to topple over the governemnt, judy ann and ryan are getting married, unknown starlet (havent heard of her) trying to bicker with ruffa g., chop-chop lady...hahay when will the news entertain like the teleserye...i want to see explosion like apocalypse prophecize, judgement day for catholics, or world war three would be fun. But oh, until they give me that, boredom will stil prevail.

come midnight, both networks are out of good shows but i was fully entertained when the documentary-like shows were on (pipol & reporter's notebook). That kept me glued to the screen. RN was about the disabled individuals in the country trying to find their position; while pipol was about (i think) che-che lazaro's favorite shows. After that, i ended scanning my notebook for viruses out of nothing better to do because my system was in 'GO' signal, no sleep mode. I tried to make a one-act play and was successful on the process (reached 8 pages of 1.5 space manuscript). I love writing early in the morning because my brain tends to work like a printing machine, it never stops. Was almost finished but i forced myself to sleep because i didnt want to be up all night again. Being up in the wee hours of morning reminds me of work and i dont want to do that on my restdays.

I went to sleep with Pablo Neruda's poems being read to me. That induced alot of 'nice' dreams. Hopefully, tomorrow's a new day and the two major networks better come up with highly entertaining shows that won't induce me to a coma.


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