Monday, February 09, 2009

Parking Lot Issues

  1. If a couple is your 'Ninang or Ninong' in your wedding, are you allowed to ask aguinaldo for christmas?
  2. A few days after my wedding, my SSS ID arrived--with my 'SINGLE' status. It took me 8 months to get it. NOW, I have to apply for change of STATUS to MARRIED and wait for another 8 months to get it. How convenient. Crap.
  3. As soon as I got back to work, my officemates immediatly asked me if we have a little bun in the oven, already. I said no. Does that come with the territory? Que sera, sera...
  4. When I told my friends and officemates Im getting married, initial reaction was, how 'far' along are you? Are you pregnant? C'mon. Is getting married equal or imply 'pregnant'?
  5. My friends and sister would often times ask me, how's married life? I answer them with: nothing's different except getting used to a new last name. Give me a few months and I'll tell you how it is.


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