Thursday, February 19, 2009


  1. Today's my last day of work. Inabsent ko pa!
  2. I was born 2 months premature. My left arm and leg came out first--the doctor (or komadrona?) had to push them back in to get me out properly. I still came out legs first.
  3. I love watching investigatory reports, forensics, criminal investigation and criminal-profiling programs. I'm trying to plan THE perfect crime.
  4. I'm obsessed with Chocolate-carrot cake *yum yum*
  5. I easily get annoyed 'by' and 'with' slow thinkers.
  6. You have your planet Earth and I have my own milky way--don't try to visit and say 'you come in peace,' you'll just turn into dust.
  7. I love kinilaw na ampalaya.
  8. I don't do 'terms of endearment.' Never. I don't call my former BF (now my hubby) pumpkin, babe, beh, mahal...and the list goes on, so just stop.
  9. Stilettos. Stilettos. Stilettos.
  10. I can't bend down and touch my toes. I'm physically inept.
  11. I'll keep arguing with you until I say I'm finished.
  12. If I ask you a question and you don't answer me--I'll keep asking the EXACT same question, until you do. Like a parrot. If I don't get the answer that I want, I won't stop asking you either.
  13. I haven't drawn for a year and a half.
  14. I realized while in Timezone that I have bad 'hand-and-eye' coordination--or none probably!
  15. I ONLY and CAN draw women. Men are just too chunky and bulky to draw.
  16. I flunked math in college multiple times.
  17. I love watching old tag-alog movies. I know you do too so shut-up.
  18. I really, really think I should have been born and partying during the 70's. Hippies. Patadyong. Hash. ahlovsit!
  19. My Tito, a couple of years back left his RAV4 car for me to use but my Papa wouldn't let me drive it because he said I might drive it through something metal, cement, or a large trunk of tree/s. Finding out after a few months from my Tito that the car had full insurance. So much for cruising the boulevard.
  20. I can talk with my friends the whole day and I can be mute for more than a day.
  21. I love babies. I'm annoyed with toddlers--I deliberately scare them. One time, I was in MOA reading somewhere, when a little boy hit my leg. He looked at me and smiled. I glared at him and gave him my 'serial killer' look, his smile disappeared and he slowly backed away.
  22. Sarcasm = Katrina Bianca Catan-Yamsuan
  23. If I don't know you, don't talk to me. You might as well talk to the unfinished cement wall on your left.
  24. I will say what I want, when I want to, how I want to say it. Don't expect me to apologize.


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