Wednesday, July 26, 2006

contemplating on a bomb

Im stressed-out. My pre-disposition as a being has been altered into pieces of uncertainty. I really do think that i should step out of this building and just create a new nano-bomb in my own proximity. I've been contemplating of either resigning or just gulp down the insult that the client has slapped to my face. The latter is quite tempting but at this point of my life it would be pain-inflicting on my ego to go back home and be dependent again of my father--from being independent, its just waaayyyyy humiliating!

I resigned myself of being a temp bodyguard/lunchdate/assistant/always-available team mate etc for the mean time. Although its quite fun to actually be on a log-in and log-out status in the office, in which, i can just sleep away the eight hours that are required to keep me as an employee, it is still exhausting and damn frustrating at most times. I go home and sleep and after i wake up, i go to work to sleep some more (i know, i know to some of you its a dream job but...).


My colleague yesterday just reminded me of an incident that took place in my former company. I was with an irate customer on the phone. I was letting him vent and curse the day/night (Manila or EST) away but when he mentioned that he was 'forced' to sign up, i snapped. I retorted, "primarily, sir, as a sales agent we are not allowed to sign up customers without their permission. And there is NO way for us to force you to give us the credit card information since in the first place you're the one holding it on the other end which is on the other side of the planet. We cannot force you to commit to our service, with that, you have what we call FREEWILL." That made him stutter and nervous. He tried to be the agitated-and-irate-customer but i slapped him with the same argument.

Thus, this was one of the some instances that made me an infamous agent.

Still has some funny and unnerving stories but let's do it one at a time.


I'll post some other stories but for now, its time for my sleep. I'll see you guys at the sleeping lounge :)


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