Saturday, July 29, 2006

Solitary Confinement

I'm slowly realizing that it could be highly plausible for me to live alone. Although most of my friends think that i should be room mates with somebody with the 'just-in-cases' situation. But, i disagree.

I spent my restdays with my back glued to the bed and my eyes turned and glued also to the television (watching all the teleseryes in the morning til evening). Imagine that! My only motivation was meal time. I would wake up around 11am and watch some stupid Koreanovela and eat around 2pm (so that there wouldnt be people where i eat). After that i watch some more television and when i look at the time i would actually smile that in a couple of hourse it would be meal time again (aint that freaky). All i could think of was food, food, and more food. Because after i eat i would sit for a 'few' minutes and eventually find myslef in a lying position which, of coure gave me dyspepsia (kabag dearie). Also, for the past 4days all i wnated to eat was Ngohiong (a cebuano specialty--chinese in descent) and some rice. I dont know why. Well, no worries for me because 'i think' it had all the necessary nutrients i needed. It has vegetable--sayote; meat--protein and; the lumpia wrapper and rice--carbs. A complete meal! Hah!

Anyways, The Hulk come over to have a little fun and good for me because i get to see people in times of solitude (omigawd is this the time of my life where i actually do solitary confinement unconsciously?!). As expected, he commented that i should live with my cousin for the 'just-in-cases' situations or that i should just go back to our hometown and stay with my dad (he's been suggesting that for a good 1year!), but i disagreed with him. I told him, i'm fine by myself and i'm kinda liking the idea because i'll be responsible for my own being and i can be totally be myself (hygiene-sanitation-freak to a super-gross-being). He still disagreed. As if i care.

But, there was a part in those absolutely-boring-to-the-maximum-level 2 days that i contemplated on having a room mate or having my cousin as a neighbor. It would be fun because i'll always have somebody to talk to (but most of the times i tend to be autistic and quiete--so, there's no use) but, if i live near my cousin i wouldnt have my 'social' life all to myself. And besides, if i move to the room next to hers, i would have Freaky Boy (the stalker), Nacho gwapito (a colleague i dated) and Grumpy the dwarf (a colleague i also dated) as my neighbors. Guy fest, anyone? Therefore, i burned the idea away.

I think solitary confinement in my 20's is a better idea, thank you.


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