Wednesday, July 15, 2009

SPEECH & ORAL COMMUNICATION 1 **ONLY under my supervision***

By C Martin
November 1999

Can the new communications revolution opening up before our eyes act as a magic-wand for women in Asia to get a better deal?

Telecommunications equipment, the Internet, mass media transmitted via satellite, cable and fibre optics, videotext and fax machines, and databases are opening up new options across the globe.

These new technologies have entered the home. They have influenced not only the individual and family life, but also age-old institutions and values.

Unfortunately, everything is not positive and smooth-sailing. New communications technologies are not as neutral as they first appear to be, says a new book on the subject from the Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC) of Singapore.

Edited by Ila Joshi, the new book is called Asian Women in the Information Age.
It says: 'Men are considered the first beneficiaries of innovations, while women follow and take over the positions vacated by them. The progress of women is hampered by widespread prejudices regarding their ability to learn and to apply new technology.' In addition, it points out, knowledge and power are concentrated in the hands of the privileged few that own and control the communications system.

This study was done in various Asian countries. It found that India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and China provided their people with greater access to media like television. In Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines, computer networks are more common. Bangladesh lacks most of these facilities, while Japan has them all.

Yet, in Bangladesh, the new communications technologies are already seen to be making an impact on the lives of some women. A 'Grameen Phone' programme allows rural borrowers, all of whom are women, to buy cellular phones.

Cellular phones, pagers and computers are being used by city-based Sri Lankans every day, whether they are men or women. But this has not solved the special problems being faced by women, and created by war in that island nation. Women have been forced into the role of breadwinners, as men are killed or disabled.

The latest communications technologies have brought the world to Pakistan's doorstep. But the country is still plagued by a low literacy rate and high poverty levels, and its feudal and tribal structure puts women at a distinct disadvantage, and they are not fully able to reap all the benefits of new technologies.

In China - the world's most populous nation - fax machines and the Internet are yet to have widespread penetration. Despite this, new communications technologies are opening up new fields of employment, widening women's perspectives and providing them with a 'frame of reference' to estimate their status in China and around the globe.

In India, the status of women is improving only among the middle-class in urban society. Progress for the lower classes is 'very slow'. New technologies like computers, the Internet and cellphones are available largely in cities, says the AMIC book.

Women's groups in Singapore have tended to use the Internet for publicity and business networking. Women use the communications technology - in particular e-mail and the phone - in an attempt to balance work and home life, too.

'But the social dynamics of teleworking are actually built around, and reinforce, the existing cultural biases that confine women's place to the home,' says the study.
In Malaysia, where the use of computers is widespread, women have been found to have benefited from the modern technologies. They have greater access to information and knowledge.

Thai women say they can get greater power to 'exchange their concerns, opinions, and perceptions' using new technologies. They can also correct, to some extent, the perception of a male-dominated society by participating in government, politics, the business sector and the media industry.

In Indonesia, women feel the new technologies give them a 'better chance to develop'. But the older generation and housewives are not enthusiastic, as they do not have a direct utility for the same.

Only a limited segment of female professionals have been empowered by the new communications technologies, say reports from the Philippines. Most of the rest - like teachers and government servants - lag behind. They are at best marginal users, encoders, telecom operators or administrative assistants.

For the new communciations technologies to be of use to wider segments of the population, and not just a narrow base of society, a lot more needs to be done.

This study suggests the need for policies that work towards equitable access, microcredit or rental programmes, financial cooperation among women, relevant training at the school level, promotion of use in the local language, relevant content, and awareness campaigns among women. - Third World Network Features


1. Cover page
Top- complete name of school; TWO spaces down-SUBJECT name; TWO space down-TITLE of the papert; TWO spaces down-NAME of student; TWO spaces down-NAME of Instructor.

2. You MUST create your OWN title of the reaction paper. IT will count for the grade. Submissions with "REACTION PAPER" as the title will have points deducted.

3. MINIMUM of 3 PAGES EXCLUDING the cover page. IF you plan to submit the minimum number of pages, MAKE SURE that the 3rd page has AT LEAST 3/4 content.

4. Spacing: 1.5; 1inch indentation; justified; size 12 font Times New Roman.

5. DEADLINE OF SUBMISSION is JULY 25, 2009 12noon. You can submit ON or BEFORE the deadline, late submissions will not be accepted.

ENGLISH COMMUNICATION 1 Reaction Paper (for my students ONLY)

by sally nulph

We live in a culturally diverse world. People will encounter individuals from different races, religions, and nationalities in their day to day encounters. There is often anxiety surrounding unfamiliar cultures. What manners are acceptable? What will offend a person from a very different background? It can be paralyzing to deal with other people if we do not know what to expect. The following suggestions discussed in the manual, Becoming a Master Student, by Dave Ellis are applicable to people in a variety of settings.

The desire to communicate is the first step in being effective. No matter what tools you gain in cross cultural communication. The desire to connect with another human being is the bond that will express itself clearly. A genuine effort to understand another person goes along way in the path to communication.

Knowing about other cultures will help you develop your skills. Be proactive when approaching a new culture. This is a learned skill which means it will require research, practice, and growth. People from different backgrounds may have varied approaches to conflict management, learning styles, family structure, religion, and most other aspects of life. It is impossible to know the varied systems of all cultures, so approach this process one culture at a time as you meet and deal with new people.

When dealing with diverse people look for similarities. Our goals, dreams, and aspirations may be more alike than our skin color. Parenting approaches may differ, but the common bond of a mother and a child crosses many barriers. Most people have basic needs in common, like Maslow’s hierarchy of needs that suggest all people have physiological, safety, acceptance, self-esteem, and self-actualization needs. Considering these things it is easy to see our essential common ground. And this is where we can begin our comprehension of others.

Put your new information about other people into action. Make a personal inventory of your own biases. Where has your ignorance held you back from appreciating other people? What have you learned that makes this old paradigm obsolete? Help to educate people in your family and group of friends about your new leanings. Be careful. People become attached to their ignorance, and have difficulty accepting new ideas. It may have taken you a while to gain the knowledge necessary to deal with people. Encourage others to be open, but know that information is integrated when a person is ready to accept it. Form alliances with people from different cultures to know what challenges they have dealing with your culture. Help the general community to grow by raising awareness and promoting fair treatment for all people.

It is important as you become a promoter of cross cultural communications that you reach beyond stereotypes. These do not represent the population they seek to identify. It is necessary to evaluate people on an individual basis. Stereotypes often reflect the differences in socioeconomic status, religion, or dialect. These differences are apparent in all races and cannot identify one specific group of people. It is important to suspend judgment, avoid misconceptions, narrow perspectives, and immature reactions. Stereotypes often contain a granule of truth, but this tiny truth cannot characterize an entire culture. Getting the whole picture is being active, and thinking critically about people and their behavior.

Ultimately the barriers that exist between cultures are weak We need desire, information, and the willingness to take interpersonal risks to break them. An individual’s ability to be open to new ideas and new people will go a long way in the process of cross cultural communication. It starts with a smile and acceptance. It leads to an exciting new world full of clarity and connectedness.

1. Cover page
Top- complete name of school; TWO spaces down-SUBJECT name; TWO space down-TITLE of the papert; TWO spaces down-NAME of student; TWO spaces down-NAME of Instructor.

2. You MUST create your OWN title of the reaction paper. IT will count for the grade. Submissions with "REACTION PAPER" as the title will have points deducted.

3. MINIMUM of 3 PAGES EXCLUDING the cover page. IF you plan to submit the minimum number of pages, MAKE SURE that the 3rd page has AT LEAST 3/4 content.

4. Spacing: 1.5; 1inch indentation; justified; size 12 font Times New Roman.

5. DEADLINE OF SUBMISSION is JULY 25, 2009 12noon. You can submit ON or BEFORE the deadline, late submissions will not be accepted.